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Mission Statement

The Probation Department utilizes evidence-based practices to lower recidivism and motivate probationers to become law-abiding citizens. The Probation Department assists the Court in the administration of justice and in protecting the community by:

  • Completing thorough and accurate investigations
  • Managing offender risk by enforcing court orders and affording opportunities for change
  • Providing assistance to victims including collection of restitution

Probation Officers

Chief Probation Officer

Katarina Rumplik

(440) 461-6500 ext. 273

Fax: (440) 442-6602

Probation Officer

Hannah Booth

(440) 461-6500 ext. 274

Fax: (440) 442-6602

Pretrial Services and Programs

Pretrial Supervision

Pretrial Supervision involves supervision of defendants charged with crimes, who prior to disposition, are released into the community under supervision of the Probation Department. Conditions of Pretrial Supervision may include regular reporting, random drug testing, continuous alcohol monitoring (SCRAM), and location monitoring (GPS).

Selective Intervention Program

The Selective Intervention Program (SIP) is designed for first offenders charged with non-violent crimes. Successful applicants must enter into a plea agreement which is held in abeyance pending successful completion of SIP. Upon successful completion of the SIP, the case is dismissed and the records related to the case are sealed. For more information, click here.

Domestic Violence Intervention Program

The Domestic Violence Intervention Program is designed for offenders charged with a first-time Domestic Violence or crime of violence. Successful applicants must enter into a plea agreement which is held in abeyance pending successful completion of the Program. Upon successful completion of the Program, the charge is either reduced or dismissed. For more information including eligibility criteria and program requirements, click here.


If you need to reschedule your appointment or if you missed an appointment, you should immediately contact your Probation Officer by email or phone.

Community Control is granted by the judge and is overseen by a probation officer. The judge will impose specific terms of supervision, including length of community control and reporting frequency. Additional conditions are tailored to the specific risks and needs of each person placed on community control. These may include performing court community service, staying alcohol and drug free, random drug testing, paying fines/court costs/restitution/fees, and mental health and/ or substance abuse treatment. In addition, the judge may order electronic monitoring, a curfew, and/or no contact with specified individuals. The goal of probation is to assist the probationer in making prosocial behavioral changes and avoid new arrests. For view Conditions of Probation, click here. 

During a violation hearing, it must be shown that you, more likely than not, violated a term or condition of your supervision using a “preponderance of the evidence” standard. Generally, you have a right to learn of any new charges against you and to present evidence in court before a neutral judge that may support your case and/or refute the evidence brought against you. You may want to consult with an attorney regarding your rights.

You may apply for an early release from supervision. The judge may or may not grant your request. Typically, the judge will require you to have served a good portion of your supervision period before granting a request for early release. In addition, the judge may require all of the imposed conditions be met. For example, treatment has been successfully completed, remained alcohol and/ or drug free, maintained full time employment, community service performed, and paid costs, fines, restitution.